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Yoga &

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Yoga Philosophy

Yoga is the art and science of the UNION of the individual consciousness with the universal cosmic consciousness, through the balance or harmonization between the body, emotion, mind and spirit. 

Its ultimate goal is for the BEING to rediscover PEACE and HAPPINESS, identifying with its true transcendent essence. 


Since the westernization of yoga, it has been thought that it is essentially the practice of asanas, however the body is only an instrument that helps us recognize that everything is ONE, that is why we invite you to share the other aspects of yoga to integrate both polarities. The physical and the spiritual, the dark and the light, the masculine and the feminine and blur all illusory divisions to find balance.

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"Being compassionate to all and practising it in thought, word and deed is the attribute of a yogi

- Geeta S. Iyengar -

in Chiapas, Mexico.

The practice of yoga empowers us to become resilient, strong and connected, and this power is a platform for deep physical, mental and spiritual transformation, both personal and communal. Yoga is a tool to engage in issues of equity, inclusion, and accessibility within our community.

My approach to supporting access to yoga is to partner with local organizations and the change makers who drive them, with diverse and historically marginalized communities, migrants, and children at risk.

The goal is to create opportunities for all people to practice yoga. I know there is power in the community, so we work with those within our own in Chiapas to extend reach beyond shalas and yoga studios, creating opportunities for those who face barriers to practice.




  • Inclusion and access to yoga.

  • Health, especially for women and those who have less access to services and support.

  • Mental health and balance, including support for vulnerable populations

  • Tool for at-risk, marginalized and/or low-income youth

Organizations I work with on social programs:

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Multilevel classes in Spanish / English


Hatha Vinyasa


Hatha Flow


Hatha / Vinyasa / Meditation


From 5:00 to 6:30 PM


Royal walker of Guadalupe #55.
Entering through the House of Bread.

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas.


From 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.


De 10:00 A.M.

(Baños de Bosque: Caminata, yoga y meditación)

8:30 A.M.


Comitan Street #8.
Cerrillo neighborhood.

San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas.




Duration 1.5 hours.

Schedule at the convenience of the practitioner.

Testimonials & Experiences

« My Yoga experience began in Venezuela when, due to health problems, I was recommended to practice yoga. I went to a center where the teacher was Nadiafna, it was my beginning of life, she taught me to listen to each part of my body and how to control my anxiety about life through breathing, in this way I stabilized and overcame my illness . Today it is a discipline that I do with love, it taught me to open myself to the world and give the best of me, thank you immensely ».

Iliana Quintero. Italy.

My name is Nadiafna Esperanza Rodríguez Perozo.

In India, my teacher Mataji (Narvada Puri) called me Nandini.


Since I was five years old, I had been worried about finding my mission in life, however, a long road awaited me.  I studied Law, always standing out in logical-critical thinking in any field where I worked, a premature career that led me to be a Judge at the age of 29 and a series of dreams and synchronous events made me reflect again about my childhood concerns: for what and why am I in this world?


Knowing the Amazon and India were true internal and external journeys that expanded my mind and my being, thus changing my perception of myself and everything around me, as well as what I understood as "real" or "true" .


It's been 14 years of constant and persevering practice on the path of yoga, and without being able to say that I have definitive answers regarding my concerns, today I can state with crystal clarity that my mission-reason for being is to SERVE and LOVE other beings, whose infinite goodness reminds me of the way back to my essence, in which there is really no division or difference between "me" and "others". 

About me

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Training and Certifications

Bolo Ram-Wah! Putumayo Presents Yoga
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- Hatha Yoga (150 hours) /Yoganga Retreat.Shri Santosh Puri Ashram, Haridwar, India. 2012. Certified by the International Association of Yoga Therapist (IAYT).
- Certified Teacher in Clinical Yoga and Ayurvedic Science (200 hrs.)Yoganga Retreat. Shri Santosh Puri Ashram. Haridwar, India. 2012 / Certified by International Association of Yoga Therapist and National Ayurvedic Medical Association of India (NAMA).
- Basic Course of Clinical Yoga and Ayurveda  (120 hrs.) 
Yoganga Retreat. Shri Santosh Puri Ashram. Haridwar, India. 2012 / Certified by ;International Association of Yoga Therapist (IAYT) and National Ayurvedic Medical Association of India (NAMA). 
- Vipassana Meditation Courses (220 hrs. each)
1st. Course - July 2009. La Victoria, Edo. Aragua. Venezuela.
2nd. Course - July 2015. La Victoria, Edo. Aragua. Venezuela.
3rd.. Course - October 2022. Teocelo. Veraxcruz, Mexico.

- Diploma in Sacred Song (20 Hrs.)/ Ananda Healing Center, San Chiapas, Mexico. 2019.
- Training as an international facilitator of Biodanza.School of Biodanza del Sol de Maracaibo (IBF). 2012-2013. Completion of the first year of training. 
- Diploma in Holistic Education and Cooperative Learning (240 Hrs).Postgraduate Direction. University of Zulia. Venezuela.2005.
- Diploma in Teaching and Education (240 Hrs).Science and Education and Psychology Area. Postgraduate Directorate, University of Zulia. Venezuela.2005.

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